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8.中央财政林业改革发展资金(林业科技推广示范补助)项目,广东省石灰岩山地生态公益林培育技术推广,2019/10 -2021/10,100万元,在研,参与。

9.国家自然科学基金青年项目,31600158,虎耳草科虎耳草属石荷叶组的分类学研究,2016/10—2019/05,20 万元,结题,参与。


1.Dipak Khadka, Man Kumar Dhamala, Feifei Li, Prakash Chandra Aryal, Pappu Rana Magar, Sijar Bhatta, Manju Shree Thakur, Anup Basnet, Dafang Cui1*, Shi Shi*. The use of medicinal plants to prevent COVID-19 in Nepal. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2021, 17(26), https://doi.org/10.1186/s13002-021-00449-w.


2.Shi Shi#, Haijun Yang#, Xuefen Wei, Qianyu Liang, Xingdong Yang, Xianxing Zeng, Chonglin Xie, Liubao Chen, Qinghua Huang, Guohong Zeng, Zhurong Jiang, Han Xu* & Jiuxiang Huang*. Gastrodia qingyunshanensis (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae)—a new holomycotrophic orchid from Guangdong, China. Phytotaxa, 2021, 483(2), 177-182.

3.Shi Shi, Siti Halimah Larekeng, Pei Lv, Yuying Nie, Muhammad Restu, Haijun Yang. The complete chloroplast genome of Neolamarckia macrophylla (Rubiaceae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2020, 5(2), 1611-1612.

4.Ding, M., Liao, M., Liu, P., Tan, G., Chen, Y., & Shi, S. * (2020). The complete chloroplast genome of Rosa cymosa (Rosaceae), a traditional medicinal plant in South China. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 5(3), 2571-2572.

5.Qalbi, N., A’ida, N., Muhammad Restu, Siti Halimah Larekeng, Shi Shi*. (2019, October). Viability Test of Gamma-irradiated seeds of Jabon Merah (Neolamarckia macrophylla (Wall.) Bosser) from Luwu Provenance: Preliminary study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 343(1), p. 012054.

6.Shi Shi, SuFang Chen, Fangnghua Zhang, Guangxi Wu, Wenbo Liao, Qiang Fan*.  Ilex sanqingshanensis sp. nov. (Aquifoliaceae) from Jiangxi Province, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, 2015, 33(6): 662-667.

7.DING, Mingyan; SHI, Shi; LUO, Binsheng. Hearty recipes for health: the Hakka medicinal soup in Guangdong, China. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 2022, 18.1: 1-14.

8.Yao, G., Song, Z. Q., Xue, B. E., Shi, S., Li, Y. L., & Luo, S. X. (2020). Taxonomic revision of the genus Glochidion (Phyllanthaceae) in Taiwan, China. PhytoKeys, 159, 137.

9.Yang, H., Wu, B., CHEN, Z., Wang, P., Shi, S., Li, F., ... & Cui, D. (2020). Polygonatum daminense (Asparagaceae), a new species from China based on morphological and molecular evidence. Phytotaxa, 449(3), 287-294.

10.KHADKA, D., POKHREL, G. P., THAKUR, M. S., MAGAR, P. R., BHATTA, S., DHAMALA, M. K., SHI, S. & BHUJU, D. R. (2020). IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON THE TOURISM INDUSTRY IN NEPAL. Asian Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies, 40-48.

11.Yao, G., Song, Z., Li, Y., Shi, S., & LUO, S. (2019). Exclusion of Glochidion coccineum (Phyllanthaceae) from the flora of China. Phytotaxa, 408(3), 215-221.

12.Gang Yao, Zhuqiu Song, Youheng Wu, Nguyen Ti Kim Tanh, Yuling Li, Shi Shi, Shixiao Luo*, Taxonomic studies of Glochidion (Phyllanthaceae) from the Indo-China Peninsula (II): The identities of G. anamiticum and G. annamense, Phytokeys, 2018, 114:1-9









