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    中国林学会林下经济分会常务委员,广东省土壤学会第九届、十届、十一届理事会理事,广东省环境科学学会低碳发展专业委员会委员,华南农业大学学术委员会委员,国际SCI期刊New Forests编辑(Associate Editor),《华南农业大学学报》编委。









1.Shuangshuang Chu, Jianhui Ouyang, Dandan Liao, Yongdong Zhou, Songsong Liu, Decai Shen, Xiaohua Wei (corresponding author), Shucai Zeng (corresponding author). Effects of enriched planting of native tree species on surface water flow, sediment, and nutrient losses in a Eucalyptus plantation forest in southern China. Science of the Total Environment 675 (2019) 224–234, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.04.214 (IF=4.61),Q1

2.Daoming Wu, Jiayi Feng, Shuangshuang Chu, Douglass F. Jacobs, Xin Tong, Qian Zhao, Xiaoyang Chen, Shucai Zeng(Corresponding author). Integrated application of sewage sludge, earthworms and Jatropha curcas on abandoned rare-earth mine land soil. Chemosphere 214 (2019) 47-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2018.09.087 (IF=4.427),Q1

3.Shuangshuang Chu, Douglass F. Jacobs, Dandan Liao, Liyin L. Liang, Daoming Wu, Peijiang Chen, Can Lai, Fengdi Zhong, Shucai Zeng (Corresponding author). Effects of landscape plant species and concentration of sewage sludge compost on plant growth, nutrient uptake, and heavy metal removal. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25:35184–35199, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-3416-x (IF=2.80),Q2

4.冯嘉仪, 储双双, 王 婧, 吴道铭,莫其锋,曾曙才(通信作者). 华南地区5 种典型林分类型土壤肥力综合评价[J]. 华南农业大学学报, 2018, 39(3): 73-81

5.王婧,莫其锋,储双双,赖灿,曾曙才(通信作者).污泥堆肥对园林植物合果芋(Syngonium podophyllum)生长及重金属吸收累积的影响. 生态学杂志, 2018,37(6): 1752-1758

6.Daoming Wu, Xiaoli Yu, Shuangshuang Chu, Douglass F. Jacobs, Xiaohua Wei, Cai Wang, Fengling Long, Xiaoyang Chen, Shucai Zeng (Corresponding author). Alleviation of heavy metal phytotoxicity in sewage sludge by vermicomposting with additive urban plant litter. Science of the Total Environment 633 (2018) 71–80. https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.scitotenv.2018.03.167(IF=4.61),Q1

7.Shuangshuang Chu, Douglass F. Jacobs, Joshua L. Sloan, Li Xue, Daoming Wu (Corresponding author), Shucai Zeng(Corresponding author). Changes in soil properties under Eucalyptus relative to Pinus massoniana and natural broadleaved forests in South China. Journal of Forestry Research, 2018, 29(5):1299–1306, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11676-017-0546-9 (SCI)(IF=0.748)

8.Shuangshuang Chu, Daoming Wu, Liyin L. Liang, Fengdi Zhong, Yaping Hu, Xinsheng Hu, Can Lai & Shucai Zeng(Corresponding author). Municipal sewage sludge compost promotes Mangifera persiciforma tree growth with no risk of heavy metal contamination of soil. Scientific Reports, 2017 Oct 17;7(1):13408. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-13895-y, 1-11(SCI) (IF=4.122),Q1

9.Daoming Wu, Shuangshuang Chu, Can Lai, Qifeng Mo, Douglass F. Jacobs, Xiaoyang Chen, Shucai Zeng(Corresponding author). Application rate and plant species affect the ecological safety of sewage sludge as a landscape soil amendment. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 27 (2017) 138-147(SCI) (IF=2.782),Q1

10.Shucai Zeng, Douglass F. Jacobs, Joshua L. Sloan, Li Xue, Yin Li, Shuangshuang Chu. Split fertilizer application affects growth, biomass allocation, and fertilizer uptake efficiency of hybrid Eucalyptus. New Forests (2013) 44:703–718, DOI 10.1007/s11056-013-9371-y


1.李小川 丁晓纲 曾曙才 等. 广东省云浮市森林土壤养分调查与评价.中国林业出版社,2018年12月,字数:24.5万,书号:978-7-5038-9877-8

2.凡  强 刘海军 刘蔚秋 孙红斌 曾曙才 廖文波. 深圳市田头山自然保护区动植物资源考察及保护规划.中国林业出版社,2017年3月,字数:20万,书号:978-7-5038-8903-5

3.廖文波 王英永 李贞 彭少麟 陈春泉 凡强 贾凤龙 王蕾 刘蔚秋 尹国胜 石祥刚 张丹丹等著. 中国井冈山地区生物多样性综合科学考察. 科学出版社,2014年6月(负责土壤部分,p22-33)

4.彭少麟 廖文波 李贞 贾凤龙 王英永 常弘 曾曙才 金建华 辛国荣 陈宝明 侯荣丰著. 广东丹霞山动植物资源综合科学考察. 北京:科学出版社,2011(ISBN:9787030326997)

5.王定跃主编. 梧桐山风景区风景林调查与规划. 深圳报业集团出版社,2011,编委

6.彭少麟等著. 中国三清山生物多样性综合科学考察.北京:科学出版社,2008(参编,第一章 三清山地质地貌及土壤特征,20000字)

7.廖文波等著. 深圳马峦山郊野公园生物多样性及其生态可持续发展.北京:科学出版社,2007(参编,第一章 1.4 土壤性质与土壤资源,10000字)

8.古炎坤主编. 生态资源可持续发展理论与实践—广州市白云山国家重点风景名胜区. 北京:中国林业出版社, 2005(编委)


广东省农业科技推广奖二等奖2项、广东省科学技术奖三等奖1项、广东省教学成果一等奖1项、华南农业大学教学成果一等奖2项、二等奖1项。在第四届华南农业大学研究生“我爱我师”我最喜爱的导师评选活动中被评为“十佳导师”( 2015年)

