
Publisher:林学与风景园林学院Release Time:2019-12-17Number of visits:180

In South China Agricultural University, the Botany discipline can trace back to the traditional majors Botany and Plant Physiology. The discipline has a long history. It was developed based on the Botanical Laboratory in Faculty of Science of Sun Yat-sen University, founded in 1926 by the late plant taxonomists, Professor Huanyong Chen and Professor Ying Jiang. The discipline took the lead in Chinese plant taxonomical studies of families Apocynaceae, Asclepiadaceae, Loganiaceae, Annonaceae, Euphorbiaceae , Sterculiaceae, Calycanthaceae, etc.. It was granted as a doctoral major in 1989. In the late 1990s, according to the national adjustment of the secondary discipline directory, Botany major in South China Agricultural University was merged with Plant Physiology major, therefore, the research areas of the Botany discipline expanded from traditional plant taxonomies to multi-directions. In 2006, it was awarded as “Key discipline” of the State Forestry Administration. The features of the discipline are the fundamental and applied fundamental researches in systematics, ecology, morphological anatomy, resistance physiology, and forest tree genetics and breeding of the South China tropical and subtropical flora. The discipline aims to provide theoretical base and technical services for Guangdong province and Southern China.