Guangdong Province Research Center of Woody Forage Engineering Technology

Publisher:林学与风景园林学院Release Time:2019-08-28Number of visits:94

Guangdong Province Research Center of Woody Forage Engineering Technology has been jointly declared by South China Agricultural University, Guangdong Wens Food Co. Ltd and Kingcard (Guangzhou) Feed Co. Ltd and approved by Guangdong technology department in 2014. This center has been set up four research directions including studying on plant resource, nutrition value and function analyzing, studying on processing and practical technology and equipment. It has 25 technicians now (21 person are from South China Agricultural University, 2 person are from Wens and 2 person are from Kingcard Feed). Nowdays a distinctive and classic research and service team has been formed and this team can drive technological progress obviously in woody forage industry. The primary mission of this center is scientific research, cultivate talents and service the society. So far, the center has undertaken 20 government funded research projects (9 050 000 RMB in total), 10 enterprise funded research projects (710 000 RMB in total). At the same time, it has applied 24 patents and published 16 papers and set 3 provincial standards. What’s more, it has also cultured 3 postdoctors, 12 doctors and 32 masters.